Sheltering Tree Retreat OKC

I’ve always been a fan of connecting dots.

Years ago I got into yoga. After a couple years of consistent practice I decided I was ready to buy my own mat, but when I went shopping for one I realized that 99% of mats were a boring-one-color-rubber-rectangle. That made me want to design my own mat. My mat turned out pretty cool, people started asking me about it and that pushed me to make more and start selling them. One of the first people to own one, and even helping modeling for my site, was my good friend Selva. Selva was taking an Iyengar class, and another one of the students was this girl named Ana. Ana saw Selva’s mat and she ended up buying one for herself and we became good friends. Ana turned out to be a yoga superstar in Oklahoma… and thanks to this series of random occurrences I spent last weekend in Oklahoma with a bunch of awesome hippies.

A yoga retreat in Oklahoma is the kind of place where you see things like these:

And cars that look like this:

And tents that look like this:

And people burn herbs like this:

(… maybe other kinds of herbs too.)

And a group of people learning how to flow with tennis balls and hoola hoops in the middle of the day are normal:

And you can learn cool things like Qigong:

(… or take photos while they explain Qigong.)

This was actually my second time attending this retreat, and at the first one I met this girl named Rocky. This year she was teaching people how to wrap crystals, so of course I had to be there for her:

At a yoga retreat people do things to each other’s ears:

And dogs get wasted:

… get it?

And you are surrounded by awesome people who make you feel like they’ve known you forever:

These two are awesome #relationshipgoals

“I don’t know what to do with my hands!”

In México we have the phrase “hasta al mejor cazador se le va la liebre (even the best hunter misses the hare)”. I want to say this was blurry to make it look cool, but in reality I messed up my settings—Still came out cool, though!

If you know anything about me you know I love taking photos at night, and this was an amazing opportunity to take photos of cool people doing cool things in the middle of the night:

The Moon Queen.

At the First Sheltering Tree Retreat I attended I also had the opportunity of meeting Josie, and she was one of those people that leave an impression on you—she’s full of energy and her Facebook posts are always positive, I love her.

This weekend we celebrated her 70th birthday with her— Happy Birthday Josie!!!

All smiles!

The beginning of Infinity.

The man, the legend: Patrick Xavier Danger Curry!

I swear we are not a cult…. we just look like one.

And that was it!

I didn’t take as many photos as I usually do, I missed the whole first day because I had car troubles driving there, and then the river float because I was catching up on sleep from the night before, but I wouldn’t trade this weekend for anything.

Surround yourself with powerful people that share your interests and you’ll never be alone.

See you next year (or hopefully sooner) my Oklahoma side of the family. Thanks for letting me connect with you.

David Alpuche
Photographer. Writer. Stutterer. Science Nerd. Music Lover. Procrastinator. Stand-up Comedy Aficionado. Chef-in-training..... I want to do it ALL.

Claire and Andrew


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